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Physical Capacity Profile Testing

Purpose of Physical Capacity Profile (PCP) Testing

Mid Iowa Occupational Testing uses state-of-the-art proprietary software to conduct the Physical Capacity Profile (PCP) test. This system completes a comprehensive collection of strength measurements in just 20 minutes, with results available immediately. The PCP system is fully ADA and HIPAA-compliant and has passed EEOC audits, ensuring both accuracy and confidentiality.

Physical Therapy Session

How to Interpret Results

The Physical Capacity Profile test provides objective results to employers using proprietary state of the art software that uses the Department of Labors predefined job demands and AMA guides.

  • Job Level Applied: Level at which the physical demands for the job being applied for requires.

  • Job Level Achieved: Level at which the applicant who applied for the job attained.

  • Conditions determined by functional measurements or medical history: Pre-existing impairments the applicant presents with at the time of hire.

State Statutes / Iowa Code On Objective Medical Data

Iowa- 85.34 Permanent Disabilities. a. An employer is fully liable for compensating all of an employee's disability that arises out of and in the course of the employee's employment with the employer. An employer is not liable for compensating an employee's preexisting disability that arose out of and in the course of employment with a different employer or from causes unrelated to employment.

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How to integrate into the workers compensation claim process

  1. Workers compensation claim reported to employer.

  2. Employer reports claim to insurance company representative.   a. Employer provides PCP report to claims representative. PCP report is provided to the treating physician, specialist, rehab provider and attorney.

  3. Employee is referred for treatment or evaluation.

  4. Employee timeline established for rehabilitation.

  5. Employee reaches MMI.

  6. FCE is ordered to determine permanent loss.                                    a. Claims representative instructs treating physician to reduce impairment rating by amount determined in post offer PCP test per AMA guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment-apportionment.                                                                                          b. Claims manager confirms with provider that they will use the PCP report for establishing future impairment ratings, if any.

  7. Physicians using AMA guides gives impairment rating and forwards to workers compensation claim representative.

  8. Claims representative reviews physicians findings in impairment and forwards to defense attorney for settlement offer.

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